We heard your feedback…you want MORE Barre!! Done!

This month we added 3 classes to our schedule and changed the time of one existing class. Keep reading to see what’s changing!

Looking to add more cardio into your life? We love cardio…and Barre! Check out our fast-paced cardio-style Barre class; FitBarre. This class is offered for the Beginner or the Advanced BarreBabe. On Tuesdays, we are moving our existing FitBarre Advanced class to an earlier time slot. If you need a quick workout before work or after dropping the kids off at school, come see Sarah at 8:30 AM. We also added FitBarre Beginner on Wednesdays at 4:30 PM! Now you can come to the studio right after work and not worry about going home first…where you might be distracted by dinner. Don’t forget your Barre-wear when you leave the house in the morning!

In addition to our cardio inspired classes, we also offer a more traditional approach to Barre fitness. You’ll laugh at the tiny weights when you first come to class; by the end of class, they’ll win (in a good way)! Our Barre class will focus on very specific muscle groups and target them with very small, controlled movements. We have had a lot of requests for a Tuesday evening class – you’ll be happy to hear that we added Barre with Melissa at 5:45 PM. If you like to get your workout out of the way on Sunday, join Melissa at 8:00 AM!

To recap the changes:
Tuesday, FitBarre Advanced, moved to 8:30 AM
Tuesday, Barre, 5:45 PM – new to our schedule
Wednesday, FitBarre Beginner, 4:30 PM – new to our schedule
Sunday, Barre, 8:00 AM – new to our schedule

All other classes and time slots remain the same. As always, please check the Class Schedule tab for any changes and instructor information.

See you at the Barre!

Are you drinking enough water?!

A lot of us are not!

Your body is composed of about 60% water – we need water to survive. Drinking water helps maintain the balance of body fluids. These body fluids include digestion, absorption, circulation, creation of saliva, transportation of nutrients, and maintenance of body temperature.

There are different ways to make sure you’re drinking enough water…I’ll touch on the two most popular:

  • Dink eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day…this equals to 64-ounces per day.
  • Drink half of your body weight in ounces. If you weigh 130 pounds, drink 65-ounces of water per day. If you weigh 180 pounds, drink 90-ounces of water per day.

If you’re working out, drink more.

As a rule of thumb, if you feel thirsty…you’re not drinking enough water! Another sign of dehydration is having “cotton mouth”. If either of these affect you, don’t worry, it’s not too late – get hydrated and keep your water intake up on a regular basis.

How to remember to drink your water?

Some people like to carry around a container with them that is the size equal to the amount of recommended water for that day. This way there is no need to refill and your goal is clear – drink the entire container before the end of the day. A half-gallon container is 64-ounces.

Personally, I love my insulated water bottle that holds 24-ounces! I fill it up before I leave the house in the morning (or even the night before). My goal is to drink it on my way to the studio in the morning or finish it shortly after I arrive (usually within 2 hours of waking up). I refill it and plan to finish the 2nd round of water around lunch time. Refill it again and my goal is to finish the 3rd one before the end of the day. I prefer to drink most of my water earlier in the day so that I’m not up constantly in the middle of the night.

Don’t like the taste of your water?

Change it up! I tried many different brands until I found ones that I liked. Also, consider the filter you have at home (if you use tap water) – your filter might be adding a taste as well.

Cheers to your health!

My ThermoFlask holds 24-ounces of liquid hydration!


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